Tag: little bastard

Augean Stables

Some years ago I was struck by the large number of falsehoods that I had accepted as true in my childhood, and by the highly

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Under the Influence

When you feel that you are a lonely, put-upon, isolated little stranger confronting all this, you are under the influence of an illusory feeling, because

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Insights on Insights

You can’t expect insights, even the big ones,to make you suddenly understand everything.But I figure: Hey it’s a step in the right directionif they leave

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Burning Discontent

Whatever games are played with us, we must playno games with ourselves, but deal in our privacywith the last honesty and truth. Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Embrace Your LBW

My barn having burnt to the ground,I can now see the moon. Mizuta Masahide It’s not really me you’re listening to, but your own Little

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All thought is immoral. Its very essence is destruction. If you think of anything, you kill it. Nothing survives being thought of. Oscar Wilde As

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