
Wisefool Press is proud to present

Jedvaita: The Way the World Unfolds 

a dynamic and expanding repository of the writings of

Jed McKenna

Originally, Jedvaita was planned as a multi-volume set of books slated for publication in 2026. Instead of publishing more books, we decided to create this living document, and we have no shortage of material to pour into it. Even if Jed went silent tomorrow, we could continue processing valuable content for years to come. 

This site is mostly comprised of new and original material from Jed, but there is also Marichelle content in the brief-excerpt form made popular in the JedTalks series, as well as cartoons, quote collections and infographics sprinkled throughout this site. We have some other things planned, and we’ll announce those as we go.

If you sign up for a free account, you will receive Jedvaita email, plus updates and announcements as we make more features and content available on this site. If you sign up for a paid account, you will have access to this entire site. 

Working in close conjunction with Jed, our editorial mission is to polish and focus material without sacrificing humor and charm, or altering Jed’s unique and powerful voice. As a living document, this site will grow and improve from week to month and year. Like Whitman’s Leaves of Grass, which evolved from 12 poems to 400 over 36 years, it will never really be complete, but grow fuller, more refined and brighter with time. 


The Jeditors

(Problems with your account?
Contact jedvaita at usa dot com.)

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