Tag: sewer-dungeon

Team Brahman

(audio available for paid subscribers) The religions of mankind must be classed among the mass-delusions of this kind. No one, needless to say, who shares

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Reasonable Doubt Redux

(audio available for paid subscribers) Doubt is the origin of wisdom. When boiled down to essence, there are only two conceptual frameworks within which to

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Door Number Two

(audio available for paid subscribers) You could have become a butterfly when the time was right, but all forces conspired to keep you a lowly

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Benevolent Demon

(audio available for paid subscribers) Before we can be right, we must stop being wrong. That’s another way of saying that on the journey of

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Pounding Sand

(audio available for paid subscribers) The mission of Science and Nonduality is to explore beyond ultimate truths, binary thinking, and individual awakening while in deep

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Simulation Theory

(audio available for paid subscribers) I’m a huge fan of simulation theory with only two minor exceptions. One is the simulation part and the other

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