Tag: drama

Where We All Live (free)

(audio available for paid subscribers) “The mind is greater than the senses.Above the mind there is pure intelligence, freed from thought.Beyond pure intelligence there is

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Reasonable Doubt Redux

(audio available for paid subscribers) Doubt is the origin of wisdom. When boiled down to essence, there are only two conceptual frameworks within which to

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Flow & Obstruction

(audio available for paid subscribers) Progress on the path of awakening is entirely a matter of removing obstructions and restoring free flow. Waking in or

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Bouncy Castle

(audio available for paid subscribers) “One truth is clear,Whatever is, is right.” One amusing way to know there’s no such thing as free will is

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The Gum In Our Eyes

(audio available for paid subscribers) Long enough have you dream’d contemptible dreams, Now I wash the gum from your eyes, You must habit yourself to

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Is Everything A Hoax?

(audio available for paid subscribers) “Now I believe I can hear the philosophers protesting that it can only be misery to live in folly, illusion,

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