Tag: pattern

Team Brahman

(audio available for paid subscribers) The religions of mankind must be classed among the mass-delusions of this kind. No one, needless to say, who shares

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The Nonduality Trap

(audio available for paid subscribers) “The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”C. G. Jung I don’t say much about the

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Where We All Live (free)

(audio available for paid subscribers) “The mind is greater than the senses.Above the mind there is pure intelligence, freed from thought.Beyond pure intelligence there is

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Door Number Two

(audio available for paid subscribers) You could have become a butterfly when the time was right, but all forces conspired to keep you a lowly

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Scribble Monster

(audio available for paid subscribers) It’s equal parts amusing and sad-making to see people of superior intellect smugly assume themselves to be superior thinkers, despite

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Reality Check

(audio available for paid subscribers) Life is meaningless, nothing you do matters and you’re going to die. (Too bad, so sad; go stick your head

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Phantom Numbers

(audio available for paid subscribers) If you insist on bottom-up thinking – struggling up the spiritual down-escalator for years and decades before finally, hopefully, maybe

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Ashtavakra Gita (free)

We are producing an audio and text series of public domain works by notable authors. Some express nondual philosophy, others are more like artistic depictions

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Defeat Is Victory

(audio available for paid subscribers) You have your own unique spiritual fingerprint, that tiny smudge on the prism of self which is the only thing

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