Tag: discontent

Door Number Two

(audio available for paid subscribers) You could have become a butterfly when the time was right, but all forces conspired to keep you a lowly

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  (audio available for paid subscribers) I am distinctly uncomfortable in human society. I don’t have a tolerance for misalignment and don’t wish to develop

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(audio available for paid subscribers) Cue the sun. Christof, The Truman Show. 1998 You’re in a movie right now. You’ve never been anywhere else. You’re

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Black Comedy (free)

There’s a difference between playing your role and identifying with your role. When you’re in the world and of the world, unseen forces drag you

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Killing Buddha

(audio version available for paid subscribers) Killing the Buddha means severing your last attachment to the dreamstate, thereby advancing to the lip of the volcano

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The Road Ahead

(audio version available for paid subscribers) The term uncanny valley refers to the downward plunge on a graph where our comfort with artificial humans turns

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Warpath (part one)

(audio version available for paid subscribers) My illusion is dissolved, my error destroyed.  Arjuna Rising The purpose of the spiritual marketplace is not to wake

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The New Mythology

(audio available for paid subscribers) Awakening-related communications like what you’re reading right now can be heavily dependent on metaphor and allegory and parable and all

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