Tag: context

Team Brahman

(audio available for paid subscribers) The religions of mankind must be classed among the mass-delusions of this kind. No one, needless to say, who shares

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Bouncy Castle

(audio available for paid subscribers) “One truth is clear,Whatever is, is right.” One amusing way to know there’s no such thing as free will is

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The Gum In Our Eyes

(audio available for paid subscribers) Long enough have you dream’d contemptible dreams, Now I wash the gum from your eyes, You must habit yourself to

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Scribble Monster

(audio available for paid subscribers) It’s equal parts amusing and sad-making to see people of superior intellect smugly assume themselves to be superior thinkers, despite

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Reality Check

(audio available for paid subscribers) Life is meaningless, nothing you do matters and you’re going to die. (Too bad, so sad; go stick your head

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The Hook-Up Imperative

(audio available for paid subscribers) Whatever you hold back will hold you back. That’s the basic operating principle of the failed search for truth, which

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