Tag: energy

The Nondual Practice Myth

(audio available for paid subscribers) All thought is immoral.Its very essence is destruction.If you think of anything, you kill it.Nothing survives being thought of.Oscar Wilde

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Where We All Live (free)

(audio available for paid subscribers) “The mind is greater than the senses.Above the mind there is pure intelligence, freed from thought.Beyond pure intelligence there is

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Reasonable Doubt Redux

(audio available for paid subscribers) Doubt is the origin of wisdom. When boiled down to essence, there are only two conceptual frameworks within which to

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Benevolent Demon

(audio available for paid subscribers) Before we can be right, we must stop being wrong. That’s another way of saying that on the journey of

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Friend or Foe

(audio available for paid subscribers) No one cares about you except, possibly, you. You either sort yourself out or you go unsorted. That’s where anger

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The Gum In Our Eyes

(audio available for paid subscribers) Long enough have you dream’d contemptible dreams, Now I wash the gum from your eyes, You must habit yourself to

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