The Way the World Unfolds

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MP3 Audio Editions: Most articles now have MP3 audio versions. All free content includes audio. View all titles by date here.

Podcast: Much of the free content on this site is also available in the Jed McKenna Nonduality podcast.

Sign Up Now: Create a paid account for full access to the entire Jedvaita collection, or create a free account to receive news and new article announcements.

Visit Wisefool Press: Except for some of the free material, all content on Jedvaita is original and not available elsewhere. The material on this site builds on the knowledge and views expressed in Jed’s three trilogies, (Enlightenment, Dreamstate, JedTalks) so everyone is encouraged to begin there.

Site Navigation: Beneath every article, you will find Previous and Next links. At the bottom of every page, you will find a random article selector, a refreshable index displaying 8 random article titles at a time, a search box, and a tag cloud. There’s no order to anything. The intro to every article is visible and many are free. Feel free to snoop around.

Tech Support: Problem with your account? Trouble signing in? Send us an email at (jedvaita at email dot com) and let us know what’s going on.

Article Zero: ReadMe1st is a good place to start.

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