Not-Two vs All-Is-One III
(audio available for paid subscribers) The foundation of all mental illness is theunwillingness to experience legitimate suffering. Carl Jung After spending time looking into either
(audio available for paid subscribers) The foundation of all mental illness is theunwillingness to experience legitimate suffering. Carl Jung After spending time looking into either
(audio available for paid subscribers) The effect is delusion,and therefore the cause must be delusion. Swami Vivekananda Fear is the oily black smoke that encircles
(audio available for paid subscribers) The quality of our thoughts and ideas can only be as good as the quality of our language. George Carlin
(audio available for paid subscribers) “Optimism,” said Cacambo, “What is that?” “Alas!” replied Candide, “It is the obstinacy ofmaintaining that everything is best when it
(audio available for paid subscribers) None but ourselves can free our minds. Bob Marley I’ve never had much business with gurus or spiritual teachers or
(audio available for paid subscribers) The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. Marcel Proust Nonduality doesn’t
(audio available for paid subscribers) No human thing is of serious importance. Plato A serious person, by my reckoning, is someone who either has a
(audio available for paid subscribers) “All battles are fought by scared menwho’d rather be someplace else.” John Wayne I once had a friend who was
(audio available for paid subscribers) Reason is a harmonizing, controlling force rather than a creative one. Even in the most purely logical realms, it is
(audio available for paid subscribers) Condoms aren’t completely safe.A friend of mine was wearing one and got hit by a bus. Robert Rubin Go pull
“The fool who persists in his folly will become wise.”
William Blake
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