Tag: advaita

War Party

(audio available for paid subscribers) Among the most confusing issues in the world of nonduality is the world of nonduality itself. Why is there a

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The Enemy Within

(audio available for paid subscribers) Recently, I was listening to one of the most popular and respected experts in the spirituality/nonduality space disclosing to an

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Razor Redux

(audio version available for paid subscribers) In The Razor’s Edge, protagonist Larry Darrell became so ass-over-teakettle enlightened that he had to dedicate the rest of

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Mindless Beliefism

(audio version available for paid subscribers) Nonduality is not a belief system. Belief doesn’t even enter into it. What should you believe? Why believe anything?

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A Tricky Ascent

(audio version available for paid subscribers) You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day!Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way! Dr. Seuss

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Twenty-One Words

(audio version available for paid subscribers) Only two things exist, one of which doesn’t.Awareness is true and does exist.Appearance is untrue and does not exist.

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Not-Two vs All-Is-One

(audio version available for paid subscribers) If you compare what nonduality really means to what many nondualists/neo-advaitins have been finessed into believing it means —

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Game of Nonduality

(audio available for paid subscribers) There is no God higher than truth. Mahatma Gandhi We seek diversion and distraction and, most importantly for those of

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Awakening Nightmare

(audio available for paid subscribers) Only that day dawns to which we are awake. Henry David Thoreau During my own awakening, there were two distinct

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