Tag: nonduality

13th Floor Redux

(audio version available for paid subscribers) In The Thirteenth Floor, protagonist Douglas, top guy in a company that builds inhabitable computer-based realities, comes to suspect

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Trust Factor

(audio version available for paid subscribers) Every day is “Let’s Kick Nonduality in the Balls Day,” and that’s a good thing because whatever assault or abuse

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Trustless Systems

(Audio available for paid subscribers.) A trustless system is, as you might suppose, any system in which no trust is required to perform what would

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Mindless Beliefism

(audio version available for paid subscribers) Nonduality is not a belief system. Belief doesn’t even enter into it. What should you believe? Why believe anything?

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Radical Nonduality

(audio version available for paid subscribers) Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose. Me and Bobby McGee, Kris Kristofferson The first thing to

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A Tricky Ascent

(audio version available for paid subscribers) You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day!Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way! Dr. Seuss

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(audio version available for paid subscribers) The simple fact is that most student questions are ignorant and most teachers who encourage them are shameless, pandering

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Unio Mystica

(audio version available for paid subscribers) Don’t let this get out, but the ugly truth is that I’m a surprisingly shallow person. (Sorry, it came

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The Road Ahead

(audio version available for paid subscribers) The term uncanny valley refers to the downward plunge on a graph where our comfort with artificial humans turns

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On Wisdom

(audio version available for paid subscribers) I’m not gonna bullshit you, not as a rule but just for the moment. I have no idea what

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