Tag: brahman

The New Mythology

(audio available for paid subscribers) Awakening-related communications like what you’re reading right now can be heavily dependent on metaphor and allegory and parable and all

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Death of a Dustbunny

(audio available for paid subscribers) What happens after you die?Lot’s of things happen after you die,they just don’t involve you Louis C. K. Death does

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Cocreative Dreamstate

(audio available for paid subscribers) The world you perceive is made of consciousness;what you call matter is consciousness itself. Nisargadatta Maharaj The most important thing

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Speaking of Agnosticism

(audio available for paid subscribers) Belief means not wanting to know what is true. Friedrich Nietzsche There are over ten-thousand religions in the world today,

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Temple Tantrum

(audio available for paid subscribers) I count religion but a childish toy,and hold there is no sin but ignorance.  Christopher Marlowe My personal rule about

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Dream Weaver

(audio available for paid subscribers) Dreams feel real while we’re in them,right? Its only when we wake up that werealize something was actually strange. Dom

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The Lesser Evil

(audio available for paid subscribers) That inscrutable thing is chiefly what I hate;and be the white whale agent, or be the whitewhale principal, I will

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Hysterically Insane

(audio available for paid subscribers) Strange, indeed, that you should not have suspectedthat your universe and its contents were only dreams,visions, fiction! Strange, because they

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The Human Cocktail

(audio available for paid subscribers) Let’s think the unthinkable, let’s do the undoable.Let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself,and see if we may

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