Tag: autolysis

Reverse Evolution

(audio available for paid subscribers) Of all writings I love only thatwhich is written with blood.  Friedrich Nietzsche When I was a kid, it was

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Controlled Demolition

(audio available for paid subscribers) There is no mystery whatever –only inability to perceive the obvious. Wei Wu Wei Once triggered, the nondual bomb – Pasupatastra!,

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Paying Lipservice

(audio available for paid subscribers) None are more hopelessly enslaved thanthose who falsely believe they are free. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe A common example of

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The Power to Change

(audio available for paid subscribers) Every human being has the freedomto change at any instant. Viktor Frankl Contentment is a defensive maneuver that ego employs

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Long-Ass Rant

(audio available for paid subscribers) Everything you want is on the other side of fear. Jack Canfield “Those we turn to in our search for

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Demonic Dynamics

(audio available for paid subscribers) One does not become enlightened by imaginingfigures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.Who looks outside, dreams; who looks

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The Monkey Trap

(audio available for paid subscribers) All troubles come to an end when the ego dies. Ramakrishna There is only one path. Dissolution of ego is

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