Tag: segregated

Reasonable Doubt Redux

(audio available for paid subscribers) Doubt is the origin of wisdom. When boiled down to essence, there are only two conceptual frameworks within which to

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The Gum In Our Eyes

(audio available for paid subscribers) Long enough have you dream’d contemptible dreams, Now I wash the gum from your eyes, You must habit yourself to

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  (audio available for paid subscribers) I am distinctly uncomfortable in human society. I don’t have a tolerance for misalignment and don’t wish to develop

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Intelligent Awareness

(audio available for paid subscribers) Although that which appears to exist knowably does not, appearance itself knowably does. The content of a dream does not

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Razor Redux

(audio version available for paid subscribers) In The Razor’s Edge, protagonist Larry Darrell became so ass-over-teakettle enlightened that he had to dedicate the rest of

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Working Class Gita

(audio version available for paid subscribers) Many people believe that the Bhagavad-Gita is a holy scripture, and why not? It’s the song of the Lord,

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Senseless Awareness

(audio version available for paid subscribers) “A mystic is one,” says Alan Watts, who is “sensibly, or even senselessly, aware of his inseparability, as an

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Mindless Beliefism

(audio version available for paid subscribers) Nonduality is not a belief system. Belief doesn’t even enter into it. What should you believe? Why believe anything?

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A Tricky Ascent

(audio version available for paid subscribers) You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day!Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way! Dr. Seuss

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