Tag: narrative

Speaking of Agnosticism

(audio available for paid subscribers) Belief means not wanting to know what is true. Friedrich Nietzsche There are over ten-thousand religions in the world today,

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Dreamstate Tapestry

(audio available for paid subscribers) Reality is merely an illusion,albeit a very persistent one. Albert Einstein Strictly speaking, nonduality doesn’t destroy the universe, only the

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Nonduality 101

(audio available for paid subscribers) Thoughts come and go.Feelings come and go.Find out what remains. Ramana Maharshi Nonduality is a black hole. There’s nothing to

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Residual Self-Image

(audio available for paid subscribers) And you? When will you beginthat long journey into yourself? Rumi Just because you play a hitman in a movie

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The Howling Infinite

(audio available for paid subscribers) But as in landlessness alone resides the highest truth, shoreless, indefinite as God – so better is it to perish

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Paying Lipservice

(audio available for paid subscribers) None are more hopelessly enslaved thanthose who falsely believe they are free. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe A common example of

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Your Creative Output

(audio available for paid subscribers) Each individual is a species unto itself. Rudolf Steiner What do humans produce that anyone else would want? Despite what

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Living In Oblivion

(audio available for paid subscribers) While I thought that I was learning how to live,I have been learning how to die. Leonardo da Vinci Just

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