Tag: meditation

The Power to Change

(audio available for paid subscribers) Every human being has the freedomto change at any instant. Viktor Frankl Contentment is a defensive maneuver that ego employs

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Living In Oblivion

(audio available for paid subscribers) While I thought that I was learning how to live,I have been learning how to die. Leonardo da Vinci Just

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Long-Ass Rant

(audio available for paid subscribers) Everything you want is on the other side of fear. Jack Canfield “Those we turn to in our search for

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City of Gloom

(audio available for paid subscribers) There are some places where the road doesn’tgo in a circle. There are some places wherethe road keeps going. Pleasantville,

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Dire Misalignment

(audio available for paid subscribers) Nothing is at last sacred but theintegrity of your own mind.  Ralph Waldo Emerson I am grudgingly envious of people

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Brain Cloud

(audio available for paid subscribers) So I’m not sick? Except for this terminal disease? Joe, Joe Versus the Volcano Whether you’re awake to it or

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(audio available for paid subscribers) The books we need are the kind that act upon us like a misfortune, that make us suffer like the

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Slay Me

(audio available for paid subscribers) Do not follow the ideas of others, but learnto listen to the voice within yourself. Yourbody and mind will become

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The Greatest Trick

The greatest trick Maya ever pulledwas convincing the world it exists.  Appearances, it appears, are whatever appears. This is not limited to things you can

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