Tag: emotion

Invisible Walls

(audio available for paid subscribers) The victim of mind-manipulation does not knowthat he is a victim. To him, the walls of his prisonare invisible, and

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The Ganzfeld Analog

(audio available for paid subscribers) It is hard to be finite upon an infinite subject,and all subjects are infinite. Herman Melville However we reckon the

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Game of Nonduality

(audio available for paid subscribers) There is no God higher than truth. Mahatma Gandhi We seek diversion and distraction and, most importantly for those of

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Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit

(audio available for paid subscribers) I love to talk about nothing. It’s theonly thing I know anything about. Oscar Wilde Ex nihilo nihil fit, nothing

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Cocreative Dreamstate

(audio available for paid subscribers) The world you perceive is made of consciousness;what you call matter is consciousness itself. Nisargadatta Maharaj The most important thing

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Speaking of Nihilism

(audio available for paid subscribers) Nihilism has no substance. There is no such thingas nothingness, and zero does not exist.Everything is something. Nothing is nothing.

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Speaking of Agnosticism

(audio available for paid subscribers) Belief means not wanting to know what is true. Friedrich Nietzsche There are over ten-thousand religions in the world today,

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Off the Beaten Path

(audio available for paid subscribers) If the path before you is clear,you’re probably on someone else’s. Joseph Campbell No path is your friend, no-path is

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