Tag: drama

Trust Factor

(audio version available for paid subscribers) Every day is “Let’s Kick Nonduality in the Balls Day,” and that’s a good thing because whatever assault or abuse

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Trustless Systems

(Audio available for paid subscribers.) A trustless system is, as you might suppose, any system in which no trust is required to perform what would

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Mindless Beliefism

(audio version available for paid subscribers) Nonduality is not a belief system. Belief doesn’t even enter into it. What should you believe? Why believe anything?

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Killing Buddha

(audio version available for paid subscribers) Killing the Buddha means severing your last attachment to the dreamstate, thereby advancing to the lip of the volcano

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A Simple Life

(audio version available for paid subscribers) A monastery strikes me as a place where human children can go to simulate human adulthood. Monks take vows

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Negative Buoyancy

(audio version available for paid subscribers) All things want to float. Rainer Maria Rilke The spiritual journey is not a matter of consciousness or goodness

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People I Trust to Lie

(audio version available for paid subscribers) Of course it wasn’t funny; it was tragic.That’s why I had to laugh.  Valentine Michael Smith One of the

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Dustbunny Overkill

(audio version available for paid subscribers) Better to die fighting for freedom thenbe a prisoner all the days of your life. Bob Marley Whether or

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Heaven & Reincarnation

(audio version available for paid subscribers)   As anyone who passed Nonduality 101 can tell you, reincarnation is not possible because time does not, in

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