Sagan’s Folly
(audio available for paid subscribers) We like to think of the universe as a fabulously large and lavishly appointed spacetime energymatter thingamabob in which humanity
(audio available for paid subscribers) We like to think of the universe as a fabulously large and lavishly appointed spacetime energymatter thingamabob in which humanity
(audio available for paid subscribers) Nonduality is the coolest thing in this or any other universe, so why hide its light under a bushel? Nonduality
(audio version available for paid subscribers) Here are some follow-up thoughts to the article I wrote about The Shining — Kubrick’s Red Book — based
(audio available for paid subscribers) You may not be interested in anything I’d have to say about the 1980 film The Shining, and who could
(audio version available for paid subscribers) What we call reality is really just a rundown motel in the middle of a desert wasteland. Love it
(audio version available for paid subscribers) In The Razor’s Edge, protagonist Larry Darrell became so ass-over-teakettle enlightened that he had to dedicate the rest of
(audio version available for paid subscribers) Every day is “Let’s Kick Nonduality in the Balls Day,” and that’s a good thing because whatever assault or abuse
(Audio available for paid subscribers.) A trustless system is, as you might suppose, any system in which no trust is required to perform what would
(audio version available for paid subscribers) A monastery strikes me as a place where human children can go to simulate human adulthood. Monks take vows
(audio version available for paid subscribers) Only two things exist, one of which doesn’t.Awareness is true and does exist.Appearance is untrue and does not exist.
“The fool who persists in his folly will become wise.”
William Blake
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