Tag: integrated state

The Joy of Death

(audio available for paid subscribers) Tell your friends, “Look, it’s spring, the budsare sweet, the water sparkles, everyone isjoyful. We are going to die.” Krishna,

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Oil and Water

(audio available for paid subscribers) I’m no stranger to being inauthentic; I’m fake as hell. Every time I come down from my mountain to deal

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Garden Outcasts

(audio available for paid subscribers) One truth is clear,whatever is, is right.  Alexander Pope How do you introduce an artificial species into the wild? Not

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Spiritual Diplomacy

The truth is that enlightenment is neither remote nor unattainable. It is closer than your skin and more immediate than your next breath. If we

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Flopdoodle Speaks

You are not in this world.This world is inside you. Nisargadatta Maharaj There are as many definitions of enlightenment as there are spiritual teachers. My

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You will burn and you will burn out; you will be healed and come back again. Fyodor Dostoevsky The difference between otherborn and selfborn is

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The First Veil

I am standing puzzled, unable to decide whetherthe veil is really being lifted, or lowered more firmlyin place; whether I am witnessing a revelation,or a

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Authentic Pattern

It’s your road and yours alone.  Rumi Personal pattern and universal pattern are the same thing because self and environment — you and your dreamstate

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Spectrum of Awareness

Progress is impossible without change;and those who cannot change their mindscannot change anything. George Bernard Shaw As I seem fond of saying, I see all

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