Tag: energy


(audio version available for paid subscribers) The simple fact is that most student questions are ignorant and most teachers who encourage them are shameless, pandering

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Unio Mystica

(audio version available for paid subscribers) Don’t let this get out, but the ugly truth is that I’m a surprisingly shallow person. (Sorry, it came

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The Road Ahead

(audio version available for paid subscribers) The term uncanny valley refers to the downward plunge on a graph where our comfort with artificial humans turns

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Negative Buoyancy

(audio version available for paid subscribers) All things want to float. Rainer Maria Rilke The spiritual journey is not a matter of consciousness or goodness

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People I Trust to Lie

(audio version available for paid subscribers) Of course it wasn’t funny; it was tragic.That’s why I had to laugh.  Valentine Michael Smith One of the

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Dustbunny Overkill

(audio version available for paid subscribers) Better to die fighting for freedom thenbe a prisoner all the days of your life. Bob Marley Whether or

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The Open Road

(audio version available for paid subscribers) Henceforth I ask not good-fortune, I myself am good-fortune,Henceforth I whimper no more, postpone no more, need nothing,Done with

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Twenty-One Words

(audio version available for paid subscribers) Only two things exist, one of which doesn’t.Awareness is true and does exist.Appearance is untrue and does not exist.

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Not-Two vs All-Is-One

(audio version available for paid subscribers) If you compare what nonduality really means to what many nondualists/neo-advaitins have been finessed into believing it means —

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Warpath (part one)

(audio version available for paid subscribers) My illusion is dissolved, my error destroyed.  Arjuna Rising The purpose of the spiritual marketplace is not to wake

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