Tag: belief

Head on Fire

(audio available for paid subscribers) The difference between regular folk and enlightened folk is that when a regular person’s head catches on fire, they get

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Nonduality Is Dead

(audio available for paid subscribers) Nonduality is dead. It’s really pretty obvious when you think about it – most things are – but this is

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Red Flags

(audio available for paid subscribers) A tragedy is that moment where the herocomes face to face with his true identity. Aristotle Unlike any and every

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Feeling Things Deeply

(audio available for paid subscribers) There are some who walk among us who feel things deeply. I’ve never actually known anyone who feels things deeply,

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Vanilla Sky

(audio available for paid subscribers) Vanilla Sky is basically the story of severing your most strongly-held emotional attachments in order to do a painful but

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Mayan Palace Motel

(audio version available for paid subscribers) What we call reality is really just a rundown motel in the middle of a desert wasteland. Love it

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13th Floor Redux

(audio version available for paid subscribers) In The Thirteenth Floor, protagonist Douglas, top guy in a company that builds inhabitable computer-based realities, comes to suspect

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Mindless Beliefism

(audio version available for paid subscribers) Nonduality is not a belief system. Belief doesn’t even enter into it. What should you believe? Why believe anything?

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