Burning Down the House

(audio available for paid subscribers)

If people cannot write well, they cannot think well.
And if they cannot think well, others will do their
thinking for them.

Spiritual Autolysis – externalizing your thoughts in order to process them objectively and unemotionally under full and shadowless illumination – is the one thing you can really do that can really make a difference, which is why most seekers will never do it and no spiritual teachings encourage it. We want the version of waking up that enhances our present circumstances, not the one that makes unreasonable demands on us. Seeking is easy but actual finding could result in dreamstate disruption, and no one wants their sleep disturbed. We don’t want to awaken from the dreamstate, we want to dream we’re awake. In other words, and quite understandably, no one really wants what this really is.

Except, perhaps, advaitin, you.

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