Tag: maya

The Good News Grift

(audio available for paid subscribers) I sometimes hear nondual realization being referred to as “the good news”, as in, Fred heard the good news from

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Door Number Two

(audio available for paid subscribers) You could have become a butterfly when the time was right, but all forces conspired to keep you a lowly

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Flow & Obstruction

(audio available for paid subscribers) Progress on the path of awakening is entirely a matter of removing obstructions and restoring free flow. Waking in or

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Benevolent Demon

(audio available for paid subscribers) Before we can be right, we must stop being wrong. That’s another way of saying that on the journey of

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Friend or Foe

(audio available for paid subscribers) No one cares about you except, possibly, you. You either sort yourself out or you go unsorted. That’s where anger

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Bouncy Castle

(audio available for paid subscribers) One amusing way to know there’s no such thing as free will is that you can’t be wrong. (You probably

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