To See or Not to See 3
(audio available for paid subscribers) “I, your poor servant, have revealed you to yourself and set you free. Dream other dreams, and better!” Mark Twain,
(audio available for paid subscribers) “I, your poor servant, have revealed you to yourself and set you free. Dream other dreams, and better!” Mark Twain,
(audio available for paid subscribers) “Am I an asshole?” Lisa doesn’t answer right away, which might be answer enough. We’re sitting in Adirondack chairs at
(audio available for paid subscribers) A person swimming in the ocean far from the shore deals exclusively with the world of waves and does not get
(audio available for paid subscribers) I just finished speaking to a group of people in a small bookstore located two hours and one state away from
(audio available for paid subscribers) At the beginning of The Matrix, Thomas Anderson is roughly where you are now; still a juvenile, still asleep in
(audio available for paid subscribers) Don’t sweat the drama, and it’s all drama. Dear Imagined Reader, A recent email from one of my human-interface facilitators ended on
(audio available for paid subscribers) After being redpilled by Morpheus and waking up aboard the Nebuchadnezzar, Neo and the audience believe that he is now
(audio available for paid subscribers) My perspective is basically this: You are a human juvenile who wrongly believes yourself to be a human adult. By juvenile, I
“The fool who persists in his folly will become wise.”
William Blake
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