Tag: advaita

Greater Fool Theory

(audio available for paid subscribers) The greatest challenge to any thinkeris stating the problem in a waythat will allow a solution. Bertrand Russell No matter

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Nonduality 101

(audio available for paid subscribers) Thoughts come and go.Feelings come and go.Find out what remains. Ramana Maharshi Nonduality is a black hole. There’s nothing to

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The Howling Infinite

(audio available for paid subscribers) But as in landlessness alone resides the highest truth, shoreless, indefinite as God – so better is it to perish

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Spiritual Honeytraps

(audio available for paid subscribers) Men are so simple and so much inclinedto obey immediate needs that a deceiverwill never lack victims for his deceptions.

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Teachings vs Thinking

(audio available for paid subscribers) Those that know, do.Those that understand, teach. Aristotle Teachers and teachings are one thing, thinking is another. Teachers and teachings

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On Jedvaita

(audio available for paid subscribers) We are limited, not by our abilities, but by our vision. Khalil Gibran My worldview is not informed by any

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The Power of Language

(audio available for paid subscribers) But if thought corrupts language,language can also corrupt thought. George Orwell, 1984 What does the word spiritual mean? We think

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Rabid Badger

(audio available for paid subscribers) He who knows how to live can walk abroad without fear of rhinoceros or tiger. In him, the rhinoceros can

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