The Nondual Practice Myth

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All thought is immoral.
Its very essence is destruction.
If you think of anything, you kill it.
Nothing survives being thought of.
Oscar Wilde

I hear of people complaining that they’ve been practicing nonduality for years without results, to which I would reply, no, that’s not possible. One, there is no practice of nonduality, and two, if you climb a hill, you increase your elevation of perspective. If you don’t climb, your view doesn’t improve. It’s physics-based philosophy; eliminate the next obstacle and advance, don’t, and stay where you are. It couldn’t be simpler. There’s no mystery about it. If you think you’re performing a nondual practice, then you bought a bucket of bullshit and should be mad at whoever sold it to you, and at yourself for buying it. As to making progress with not-two as your guiding light, the only way it doesn’t work is if you don’t do it (probably because you’re being pulled by a pro-ego enlightenment myth, not pushed by an anti-ego truth-or-death compulsion).

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“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery.
None but ourselves can free our minds.”

Bob Marley

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