Tag: energy

The Scream

  (audio available for paid subscribers) I look at people in the standard, outward, things-of-man mode and I can’t believe they’re not screaming their heads

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Sagan’s Folly

(audio available for paid subscribers) We like to think of the universe as a fabulously large and lavishly appointed spacetime energymatter thingamabob in which humanity

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Graduate Redux

(audio available for paid subscribers) I wrote a thing a while ago about The Graduate, specifically the last few seconds when it is revealed to

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There Can Be Only One

(audio available for paid subscribers) Ralph Waldo Emerson makes the point that some people are materialists and some are materialists and idealists, but no one

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Animated Mannequins

  (audio available for paid subscribers) I think back to before my second-stage birth and try to remember what it was like to be unsighted.

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Intelligent Awareness

(audio available for paid subscribers) Although that which appears to exist knowably does not, appearance itself knowably does. The content of a dream does not

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Head on Fire

(audio available for paid subscribers) The difference between regular folk and enlightened folk is that when a regular person’s head catches on fire, they get

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Zen Is Dead

(audio available for paid subscribers) I’ve barely given Zen a thought in decades, and not much when I did. It’s almost completely outside my interest.

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