Place of Right-Belonging

(audio available for paid subscribers)

The real voyage of discovery consists not in
seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.

Nonduality doesn’t need promoting or proselytizing because it’s not a belief system or faith-dependent. It’s something you can actually see through open eyes, not pretend to see from behind closed eyes. You’re here, so I assume you’ve experienced the initial nondual insight for yourself. That’s where awakening begins, but it doesn’t get us past the extrapolation and processing phase of the journey, or spare us the pains of self-deconstruction. Demigod Arjuna might have received the free summit tour, but for him, being awake was just another dream that faded, and when it was over he was the same as before. That’s not how it works for us mere mortals; we have to pay our own way, but we get to stay.

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"One must never miss an opportunity of quoting
things by others, which are always more interesting
than those one thinks up oneself."

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