Divine Discontent

(audio available for paid subscribers)

Discover your own discontent, and be grateful,
for without divine discontent there would be
no creative force.

I have determined to my complete satisfaction that there are six quintillion living beings on Earth at this moment (give or take a few quadrillion), and the one thing we all have in common, besides the certainty of death and an over-fondness for sweets, is that we’re in constant motion. We experience a chronic discontent that drives us to do everything from rolling over in our sleep to stabbing a friend in the back, from changing a hairdo to turning a slab of marble into La Pietà. It doesn’t matter if you make shitty TV or flip shitty burgers or pass shitty laws, what does matter is that, for some reason, you want something to be other than it is. Pain, boredom and fear are great motivators, but any excuse will do. We need our discontent so we know how to spend our energy. Maybe you don’t even want to roll over or stab your friend, but energy demands expression (ask any Border Collie). As long as you live, you’ll generate energy. When you’re a hundred years old you can just sit on the porch and watch the world go by, but even porch chairs rock or glide or swing.

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“Discontent is the first necessity of progress.”

Thomas Edison

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